Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[Post] blahblah

hey O/ 
im backkkkk...
im sorry for not updating this blog. kkk im busy with unimportant thing. seriously.
well, i promise to updating about.... review some topics.
okay. i start it. hehehe
let's mooovveeeeeee!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


going to review someone style. hohoho... just wait. i'll take screen capt that people on 'it' variety show. can u guess it? XD

[UPDATE] Cool MV u shud watch!!

Korean Idol update MV. yaahh.. though im not that update but these songs maybe can fillin ur playlist. i recommend all of this :D

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


im sorry for inactive activity here... 
to be honest i was having alota ideas to write here but.... in fact it's just blown away when i'm successfully access this site. oh damn it. im sorry for not updating....

well, maybe it's good to list down what will i write here, and if it's done i'll strike it through.
im looking forward my holiday, it's nearly coming!! yeayyeayyy!! i'll make schedule to fullest my holiday. 
i'll do reviewing some movies, some variety show, giving info about idols (most of them are my bias) and give you an interesting FF link. kkkkk kidding, im gonna promoting my FF here. just check the schedule. 
it's enough for now, i'll continue this later.


1. Review : Java Heat (Movie)
2. Review : Barefooted Friends (Variety Show)
3. Review : Onew and Key's appearance (Variety Show)
4. Review and Compare : EXO Wolf MV
5. Updating : Onew's schedule and SHINee's schedule

i think that's enough for now. i'll update it ASAP.
wish me luck


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kangen Aja

malem ini gerah banget bikin gue pengen makan.
oke, ga nyambung. 

malem ini entah kenapa gue pengen iseng nulis aja. kan ceritanya bosen gitu jadi mau sok-sok nulis. #tsah
malem ini gue ngerasa agak kangen, selow.. bukan kangen sama orang tapi kangen baca blog gitu, khususnya blognya poconggg, eh engga deng. maksudnya kangen pengen baca tulisannya poconggg.

ini random banget, tiba-tiba ngerasa kangen baca tulisan orang. -mikir- kangen aja baca tweet dia yang komen sana-sini (sayang dia udah gue unfoll di twitter) jadi, akhirnya gue kepo. 


yaudah. gitu aja. 

sumpah gaje banget nih postingan. hahaha.. biarin deh ya, abisan bingung mau cerita apaan. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Aller Anfang ist schwer

"Aller Anfang ist schwer" 

every beginning is hard

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Belajar dari Yudhistira

Pandawa 5 adalah tokoh wayang yang cukup terkenal oleh masyarakat luas. walaupun tidak semua hafal dengan kelimanya tetapi pasti bisa menyebutkan Arjuna dan Bima. ke dua tokoh ini memang lebih terkenal memiliki ciri, Arjuna dikenal dengan ketampanannya dan kemahirannya menggunakan panah sedangkan Bima terkenal karena badannya yang besar, wajahnya yang seram dan memiliki kuku pancakenaka. 
tetapi walaupun begitu ada 1 tokoh yang tidak kalah menarik dengan Bima dan Arjuna, dia adalah Yudhistira.